| Overview - Participants
Principal Investigators |
Richard Limeburner Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Richard is the PI and designed the ANDRILL 2006 SMS mooring and co designed the 2010 CH moorings. He was responsible for setting up the inductive modem instruments and surface logger/controller/Iridium satellite interface deployed at the 2010 Coulman High site. Richard's research focuses on Eulerian and Lagrangian current measurements in the Antarctic and their dynamics. He will work with Beardsley on the analysis and synthesis of the new ANDRILL moored data.
Will Ostrom
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Will is the WHOI mooring engineer who co designed, built, and deployed the WHOI/ANDRILL moorings. Will brings 38 years of design and field experience to the ANDRILL program. |
Craig Stewart
NIWA, Wellington, NZ.
Craig is an ocean engineer specializing in instrumentation and mooring design. His extensive experience and intuitive perception of some of the unique problems we encountered on the RIS and their solutions was a major factor in our successful deployments.
Jeremy Ridgen
West of Christchurch, NZ.
JR is a Kiwi engineer/mechanic/hot water driller/heavy equipment operator/camp overseer who was the primary reason our work was successful. JR could melt a half meter diameter hole thru the 273m thick Ross Ice Shelf in about 6 hrs, and then have a few laughs and a few Speights watching us deploy our mooring.
Hedley Berge
Kaitaia, North Island, NZ.
Headley is more than the electrician that he claims to be. Whatever we tried to do scientifically, mechanically, visually, and computationally, Hedley showed us how to do it right. He knows his stuff and more than a little about telling time as well.
Sanne Maas
Antarctic Research Centre, University of Victoria, Wellington, NZ.
Sanne is a graduate student in geology. She helped with all phases of the mooring deployments and is now planning a thesis based on the moored observations.
Robert Beardsley
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Bob provides invaluable scientific insight and experience in the overall project, especially the analysis of the moored data and integration of the moored data and other ANDRILL data.