Daily Update
Dispatch 01 - September 10, 2003
Three Seasons in One Day
The science party has assembled in Barrow, Alaska, 340 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
Dispatch 02 - September
11, 2003
Mass Transit
Healy's talented aviation detachment successfully transferred
25 people and 12,000 pounds of cargo to the waiting icebreaker today.
Dispatch 03 - September
12, 2003
Send in the Cavalry
The first mooring was recovered today in Barrow Canyon, while the rest of the science crew continued to explore the ship and prepare their instruments.
Dispatch 04 - September
13, 2003
Deja Vu
A minor setback during the first CTD cast reminded science party members
of a similar event that happened last year. More
Dispatch 05 - September
14, 2003
First Impressions
Today the science party shared some thoughts about the Healy,
our floating lab and home. More
Dispatch 06 - September
15, 2003
Catch of the Day
We met the ice edge, watched polar bears, and completed a difficult
mooring recovery all in one day. More

Dispatch 07 - September
16, 2003
CTD operations continued through the day as we passed through fields of broken bits of pack ice. More
Dispatch 08 - September
17, 2003
Farthest North
Today was a great success for the mooring group - one retrieval and
two redeployments with no hitches. More
Dispatch 09 - September
18, 2003
We have left the pack ice behind as we continue CTD sampling southward
across the Chukchi Sea. More
Dispatch 10 - September
19, 2003
Ahoy me hearty! Shiver me timbers, today was
International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and what better way to
celebrate than to be on a ship on the wide open sea. More
Dispatch 11 - September
20, 2003
Sea Canaries
Last night Lisa Munger recorded sounds from beluga whales and we were treated to a brief glimpse of the northern lights. More
Dispatch 12 - September
21, 2003
International Relations
A short-eared owl visited us as we completed two mooring recoveries,
one as a favor for Chinese oceanographers. More
Dispatch 13 - September
22, 2003
Moving Day
The fantail was a blur of activity today as the WHOI mooring technicians brought their instruments out of the cargo hold. More
Dispatch 14 - September
23, 2003
Lights and Lobsters
A fantastic display of the northern lights and a test net tow were today's highlights. More
Dispatch 15 - September
24, 2003
1,427 Meters of Wire
The WHOI mooring team recovered the two deepest moorings, their instruments
brimming with data. More
Dispatch 16 - September
25, 2003
Mooring Marathon
The mooring marathon continued as the WHOI team recovered four more
moorings. More
Dispatch 17 - September
26, 2003
Weather Day
Our science plans were unexpectedly put on hold due to high winds
and seas. More
Dispatch 18 - September
27, 2003
Clean Sweep
We recovered the remaining two WHOI moorings and the Acoustic Recording Package today. More
Dispatch 19 - September
28, 2003
Cruising in the Clouds
We passed in and out of thick fog banks sampling with the CTD today. More
Dispatch 20 - September
29, 2003
Edge of the Arctic Shelf
Today we continued our CTD, ADCP, and Seabeam sampling of the Beaufort
shelfbreak. More
Dispatch 21 - September
30, 2003
An Unexpected Visitor
A playful young walrus escorted us on our CTD survey. More
Dispatch 22 - October
1, 2003
Mother Nature
A fierce arctic gale kept us from deploying the moorings today. More
Dispatch 23 - October
2, 2003
Two Down...
Calm seas allowed us to deploy the two deepest WHOI moorings and an Acoustic Recording Package. More
Dispatch 24 - October
3, 2003
Anchors Away!
Our mooring deployments continued without a hitch - two more WHOI
moorings and another ARP in the water. More
Dispatch 25 - October
4, 2003
High Rollers
Crew and science party blew off some steam (and fake $$) at casino
night! More
Dispatch 26 - October
5, 2003
Mission Accomplished
With the deployment of the last three WHOI moorings, we can say "mission accomplished!" More
Dispatch 27 - October
6, 2003
Nick of Time
All science was on hold today as we weathered another strong arctic storm. More
Dispatch 28 - October
7, 2003
Back to Work
After 42 hours of riding out the storm, we have resumed our CTD and VPR section across the Beaufort shelfbreak. More
Dispatch 29 - October
8, 2003
All about Bugs
We continued to collect CTD and VPR data today. Carin Ashjian describes
the Video Plankton Recorder and answers questions about arctic bugs.
Dispatch 30 - October
9, 2003
Thoughts of Home
We finished a CTD section on one of the calmest days of the cruise.
Science party members shared thoughts of what they miss from home.
Dispatch 31 - October
10, 2003
Dawn Patrol
John, Carin, Marshall, and Ryan flew off to Barrow this morning. A
curious swimming polar bear also paid us a visit. More
Dispatch 32 - October
11, 2003
Pizza pizza
A damaged CTD connection interrupted our science, but we had a fun
afternoon making pizzas for dinner. More
Dispatch 33 - October
12, 2003
Slow News Sunday
We continued our steady progress northward today, CTD casting all the way. More
Dispatch 34 - October
13, 2003
Fruits of our Labor
Lively discussions have sprung up in the main lab as we begin to examine the data we have collected on the cruise. More
Dispatch 35 - October
14, 2003
Eddy Hunting
We have turned east, chasing after some eddies along the shelf edge.
Dispatch 36 - October
15, 2003
After a successful eddy hunt, our thoughts have turned to the long
journey home. More
Dispatch 37 - October
16, 2003
Three Hundred and Twenty One
We're done! With 321 CTD casts logged, we have happily turned south for Nome. More
Dispatch 38 - October
17, 2003
Nome-ward Bound
While some of the science party finished their data analysis, the rest of
us packed and cleaned. More
Dispatch 39 - October
18-19, 2003
Home at Last
After four flights and many hours, I write this dispatch from dry
land. Thank you to everyone who supported us during the cruise! More