| Vertical Shear 2006
Shear Animation of Nortek AquaDopp Data
U/V - Hourly Data avi file in sms_uv.zip
Speed - hourly Data avi file in sms_speed.zip
Maximum Speed - Hourly data
40.66cm/s toward 325 degrees True on 10/29/06 at 0100z
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Figure 1. Maximum Speed
Figure 2.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 1
Figure 3.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 2
Figure 4.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 3
Figure 5.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 4
Figure 6.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 5
Figure 7.
Top - Shear of the Complex velocity Dw/Dz where w=u+i*v.
Bottom - Angular difference for the complex shear - Week 6