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Data Archive

Raw SBE 26 Pressure data - uploaded/converted from instruments

The SeaBird SBE 26 pressure/temperature recorders were deployed every 6 months from April 2008 to present (see timeline) along the Red Sea coast at Jeddah, Thuwal and Rabigh, Saudi Arabia by attaching the instruments to a local pier support at a nominal depth of 3m. The total pressure (water and air) data files named *.hex (binary, *.tid (ascii), and *.wb (ascii) are available here for every deployment in original SeaBird format. The SBE Sea Gauge pressure data files from each of the 5 deployments are named

sgXXXX_Jed_mmyyyy.tid for Jeddah, where XXXX is the instrument id number, mm/yyyy is the month and year when recovered.
sgXXXX_Thu_mmyyyy.tid for Thuwal
sgXXXX_Rab_mmyyyy.tid for Rabigh

The data format is Record# mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss pressure(psia) temperature(C)
for example 1 05/11/2010 13:30:00 14.3806 27.457

The pressure data from deployment D1 is in a zip file named

The pressure data from deployment D2 is in a zip file named

The pressure data from deployment D3 is in a zip file named

The pressure data from deployment D4 is in a zip file named

The pressure data from deployment D5 is in a zip file named

The pressure data from deployment D6 is in a zip file named

Edited SBE 26 Pressure data - Matlab format

The raw ascii pressure data was loaded into Matlab arrays, time was converted to julian day (see julian.m and gregorian.m), the data was edited, centered in the averaging bin, and the data outof the water was deleted. The SBE Sea Gauge pressure Matlab data files from the 1st deployments are named

jed1sg3m300s.mat for Jeddah, where 1 is 1st deployment, 3m is the nominal depth, 300 sec is the avaraging interval.
thu1sg3m300s.mat for Thuwal
thu1sg3m300s.mat for Rabigh

The data are in arrays of jdaysg1 pressg1 tempsg1 latitude longitude depth instdepth SN mooring st(startime) et(endtime)

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D1 are in a zip file named

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D2 are in a zip file named

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D3 are in a zip file named

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D4 are in a zip file named

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D5 are in a zip file named

The edited pressure data, mfiles used for editing, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D6 are in a zip file named

Raw SBE 37 Temperature/Conductivity data - Matlab format

The SBE 37 Microcat temperature & conductivity Matlab data files from the 1st deployments are named

jed1mc3m300s.mat for Jeddah, where 1 is 1st deployment, 3m is the nominal depth, 300 sec is the avaraging interval.
thu1mc3m300s.mat for Thuwal
thu1mc3m300s.mat for Rabigh

The data are in arrays of jday temp cond salt latitude longitude depth instdepth SN

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D1 are in zip file named

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D2 are in zip file named

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D3 are in zip file named

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D4 are in zip file named

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D5 are in zip file named

The raw unedited T/C data, mfiles used for reading, plots and a perl editing program from deployment D6 are in zip file named

Barometric (Air) Pressure Data 2008-2011

Barometric (air) pressure data (julian day and millibars) in a Matlab mat file named bp_air_2010oct.mat

Merged Pressure Data

Merged Pressure data pdf file named merge_pres_oct2010.pdf

Documentation of the PTC Deployments

Documentation of the PTC Deployments pdf file named ptc_log_may2011.pdf

This project was funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

Last updated: May 9, 2011

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