Publications - click on PDF icon to download |
Linder, Christopher A., G. G. Gawarkiewicz,
and R. S. Pickart. Seasonal characteristics of bottom boundary
layer detachment at the shelfbreak front in the Middle Atlantic
Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted.
Lynch, J., A. Newhall, B. Sperry, G. Gawarkiewicz,
A. Friedrichs, P. Tyack, C. S. Chiu. Spatial and temporal variations
in acoustic propagation characteristics at the New England Shelfbreak
front. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, submitted. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Frank Bahr, Kenneth H. Brink,
Robert C. Beardsley, Michael Caruso, James F. Lynch and Ching-Sang
Chiu. A large amplitude meander of the shelfbreak front during summer
south of New England: Observations from the shelfbreak PRIMER experiment.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, submitted. |
Lozier, S., M. Reed and G. Gawarkiewicz, 2002.
Linear stability of shelfbreak fronts. Journal of Physical Oceanography,
32(3), 924-944. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Frank Bahr, Robert C. Beardsley
and Kenneth H. Brink, 2001. Interaction of a slope eddy with the
shelfbreak front in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Journal of Physical
Oceanography, 31(9), 2783-2796. |
Lozier, M. Susan, and Glen Gawarkiewicz, 2001.
Cross-frontal exchange in the Middle Atlantic Bight as evidenced
by surface drifters. Journal of Physical Oceanography,
31(8), Part 2, 2498-2510. |
Abbot, P., S. Celuzza, I. Dyer, B. Gomes, J.
Fulford, J. Lynch, G. Gawarkiewicz, and D. Volak, 2001. Effects
of Korean littoral environment on acoustic propagation. IEEE
Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 26(2), 266-284. |
Colosi, John A., Robert C. Beardsley, James F.
Lynch, Glen Gawarkiewicz, Ching-Sang Chiu, and Alberto Scotti, 2001.
Observations of nonlinear internal waves on the outer New England
continental shelf during the summer Shelfbreak Primer study. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 106(C5), 9587-9601. |
Williams, William J., Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, and
Robert C. Beardsley, 2001. The adjustment of a shelfbreak jet to
cross-shelf topography. Deep-Sea Research II (GLOBEC Special
Issue), 48, 373-393. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, 2000. Effects of ambient
stratification and shelf break topography on offshore transport
of dense water on continental shelves. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 105(C2), 3307-3324. |
Seim, Harvey E., David P. Winkel, Glen Gawarkiewicz
and Michael C. Gregg, 1999. A benthic front in the Straits of Florida
and its relationship to the structure of the Florida Current. Journal
of Physical Oceanography, 29(12), 3125-3132. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Gennady Korotaev, Sergey
Stanichny, Leonid Repetin and Dmitry Soloviev, 1999. Synoptic upwelling
and cross-shelf transport processes along the Crimean Coast of the
Black Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 19,
977-1005. |
Loder, John W., Brian Petrie and Glen Gawarkiewicz,
1998. The coastal ocean off northeastern North America: A large-scale
view. In: The Sea, 11, A. Robinson and K.
Brink, eds., 105-133. |
Linder, Christopher A., and Glen Gawarkiewicz,
1998. A climatology of the shelfbreak front in the Middle Atlantic
Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 103,
18,405-18,424. |
Harris, Carolyn L., Albert J. Plueddemann and
Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, 1998. Water mass distribution and polar front
structure in the western Barents Sea. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 103, 2905-2917. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Thomas Weingartner and David
C. Chapman, 1998. Sea-ice processes and water mass modification
and transport over Arctic Shelves. In: The Sea, Vol. 10,
The Global Coastal Ocean: Processes and Methods , K. H. Brink and
A. R. Robinson, editors, Wiley Interscience, New York, 171-190.
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Christopher Linder, James
F. Lynch, Arthur Newhall and James J. Bisagni, 1998. A surface-trapped
intrusion of slope water onto the continental shelf in the Middle
Atlantic Bight. Geophysical Research Letters, 23,
3763-3766. |
Chapman, David C., and Glen Gawarkiewicz, 1997.
Shallow convection and buoyancy equilibration in an idealized coastal
polynya. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27(4),
555-566. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Thomas
M. Church and George W. Luther, III., 1996. Shelfbreak frontal structure
on the continental shelf north of Cape Hatteras. Continental
Shelf Research, 16, 1751-1773. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, and Albert J. Plueddemann,
1995. Topographic control of thermocline frontal structure in the
Barents Sea Polar Front on the south flank of Spitsbergen Bank.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(C3),
4509-4524. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen and David C. Chapman, 1995.
A numerical study of dense water formation and transport on a shallow,
sloping continental shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,
100(C3), 4489-4507. |
Chapman, David C., and Glen Gawarkiewicz, 1995.
Offshore transport of dense shelf water in the presence of a submarine
canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100,
13,373-13,387. |
Lewis, Craig V., Cabell S. Davis and Glen Gawarkiewicz,
1994. Wind forced biological physical interactions on an isolated
offshore bank. Deep-Sea Research II, 41(1),
51-73. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, J. Christopher Haney and
Michael J. Caruso, 1994. Summertime synoptic variability of frontal
systems in the northern Bering Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research,
99(C4), 7617-7625. |
Gawarkiewicz, Glen, 1993. Steady wind forcing
of a density front over a circular bank. Journal of Marine Research,
51(1), 109-134. |
Chapman, David C., and Glen Gawarkiewicz, 1993.
On the establishment of the seasonal pycnocline in the Middle Atlantic
Bight. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23(11),
2487-2492. |
Gawarkiewicz, G., T. M. Church, G. W. Luther,
III., T. G. Ferdelman and M. Caruso, 1992. Large scale penetration
of Gulf Stream water onto the Continental Shelf North of Cape Hatteras,
Geophysical Research Letters, 19(4), 373-376.
Gawarkiewicz, Glen and David C. Chapman, 1992.
The role of stratification in the formation and maintenance of shelf-break
fronts. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22(7),
753-772. |
Gawarkiewicz, G., and D. C. Chapman, 1991. Formation
and maintenance of shelfbreak fronts in an unstratified flow. Journal
of Physical Oceanography, 21(8), 1225-1239.
Gawarkiewicz, G., 1991. Linear stability models
of shelfbreak fronts. Journal of Physical Oceanography,
21(4), 471-488. |
Gawarkiewicz, G. G., R. K. McCarthy, K. Barton,
A. K. Masse and T. M. Church, 1990. A Gulf Stream-derived pycnocline
intrusion on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 95, 22,305-22,313. |
Garvine, R. W., K.-C. Wong and G. G. Gawarkiewicz,
1989. Quantitative properties of shelfbreak eddies. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 94(C10), 14,475-14,483.
Garvine, R. W., K. C. Wong, G. G. Gawarkiewicz,
R. K. McCarthy, R. W. Houghton and F. Aikman III, 1988. The morphology
of shelfbreak eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research,
93(C12), 15,593-15,607. |