Ice Tethered Profiler 111 Data

Data from ITP111 deployed in October 2019

Last buoy status on 2020/8/6 130039 UTC : temperature = 10.8125 °C, battery = 10.524 V

Plot of ITP Buoy Status

Last position on 2020/8/6 130039 UTC : 78.3473° N, 7.2889° W

Plot of ITP Locations

Last profile (number 606) on 2020/8/5 1732 UTC

Last profile mean motor current = 165.7765 mA, mean battery = 10.7483 V

Plot of ITP Profiler Engineering Data

Last profile depth: minimum = 260.1399, maximum = 261.3313 m

Last profile temperature: minimum = 1.19, maximum = 1.1912 °C

Last profile salinity: minimum = 34.8217, maximum = 34.822

Composite Plot of ITP T & S Profiles

Plot of ITP T & S Contours

The raw GPS buoy location data are available in an ASCII file: itp111rawlocs.dat

Depth averaged profiler data files (with interpolated location) are available in two formats:

itp111grddata.tar.Z or

ITP111 was deployed on a 2.8 m thick ice floe in the Transpolar Drift on October 5, 2019 at 85° 1.8 N, 132° 44.5 E in collaboration with the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition from the Russian Research Vessel Federov. On the same icefloe, a Naval Postgraduate School Arctic Ocean Flux Buoy (AOFB), a Seasonal ice mass balance buoy, a Meteorological sled, Spectral radiometer and AWI snow buoy were also installed. The ITP is operating on a standard sampling schedule of 2 one-way profiles between 7 and 760 m depth each day.