Created by Ivan Lima on Mon Jul 18 2022 12:41:39 -0400
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.xarray, hvplot.pandas
import os, datetime, warnings, my_bokeh_themes
from cesm_utils import fixtime, spd
print('Last updated on {}'.format(
Last updated on Fri Aug 12 10:20:24 2022
from pencil_cases import *
datadir = '/home/ivan/Data/Postproc/1DPOP_CESM2'
start_yr = 1851
case_list = ['cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.011', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.013',
'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test01', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test02', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test03']
# case_list = ['cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.010', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.011', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.012',
# 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.013', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.014']
def global_mean(ds, vname):
weights = ds.TAREA.where(ds[vname].isel(time=0).notnull())
da = ds[vname].weighted(weights.fillna(0)).mean(dim=['nlat','nlon'])
da.attrs = ds[vname].attrs
da.time.attrs = ds.time.attrs
return da
units = {}
latent_heat_fusion_mks = 333700
def get_data():
varlist = ['SHF', 'SFWF', 'QFLUX', 'MELTH_F', 'MELT_F']
case_dict = {}
data_dict = {}
for case in case_list:
for vname in varlist:
with xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, '{}.{}'.format(case, vname)), decode_times=False, chunks={'time':10}) as ds:
ds = fixtime(ds, start_yr)
ds['time'] = ds.time.to_index().to_datetimeindex().year
units[vname] = ds[vname].units
if case in ['cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.011', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.013']:
ds = ds.isel(time=slice(None, 30)) # just first 30 years
data_dict[vname] = global_mean(ds, vname).to_series()
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
df['SHF+QFLUX'] = df.SHF + df.QFLUX
df['-QFLUX/L_f'] = - df.QFLUX/latent_heat_fusion_mks
df['SFWF-QFLUX/L_f'] = df.SFWF - df.QFLUX/latent_heat_fusion_mks
df['MELT_F-QFLUX/L_f'] = df.MELT_F - df.QFLUX/latent_heat_fusion_mks
df['SHF-MELTH_F'] = df.SHF - df.MELTH_F
df['SFWF-MELT_F'] = df.SFWF - df.MELT_F
units['-QFLUX/L_f'] = units['SFWF']
units['SHF+QFLUX'] = units['SHF']
units['SFWF-QFLUX/L_f'] = units['SFWF']
units['MELTH_F+QFLUX'] = units['MELTH_F']
units['MELT_F-QFLUX/L_f'] = units['MELT_F']
units['SHF-MELTH_F'] = units['SHF']
units['SFWF-MELT_F'] = units['SFWF']
case_dict[case] = df
return case_dict
def plot_vars(varlist, ncols=2):
case_labels = ['.'.join(case.split('.')[-2:]) for case in case_list]
plist = hv.Layout()
for vname in varlist:
df = pd.concat([dd[case][vname] for case in case_list], axis=1, keys=case_labels)
p = df.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='Global annual mean {}'.format(vname), ylabel=units[vname])
plist += p
return plist.cols(ncols).opts(shared_axes=False)
dd = get_data()
for case in sorted(case_list):
print('{}: {}'.format(case, case_info[case]))
cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.011: 1D + G-terms (corrected) + SSS restoring (tau = 30 days) + EBM off + start year = 1161 cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.013: 1D + G-terms (corrected) + SSS restoring (tau = 30 days) + EBM off + start year = 6 restoring run cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test01: start = yr 1161 from PI control, gterm = 1-20 mean from 1dpop.010 cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test02: start = yr 1161 from PI control, gterm = 6-20 mean from 1dpop.010 cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.test03: start = yr 6 from 1dpop.010, gterm = 6-20 mean from 1dpop.010
def fix_ice_time(ds_in,yr0=1):
ds_out = ds_in.assign(time = ds_in.time.values)
ds_out['time'] = ds_out.time.assign_attrs(**ds_in.time.attrs)
ds_out['time'].attrs['units'] = ds_in.time.units.replace('0001',str(yr0))
if 'time_bound' in ds_out:
ds_out = ds_out.drop('time_bound')
return xr.decode_cf(ds_out)
def get_ice_volume(nh=True):
data_dict = {}
for case in case_list:
col_name = '.'.join(case.split('.')[-2:])
with xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, '{}'.format(case)), decode_times=False, chunks={'time':10}) as ds:
ds = fix_ice_time(ds, start_yr)
ds['time'] = ds.time.to_index().to_datetimeindex().year
if case in ['cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.011', 'cesm2.B1850.f09_g17.1dpop.013']:
ds = ds.isel(time=slice(None, 30)) # just first 30 years
ice_vol = ds.aice * ds.tarea * ds.hi
if nh: # northern hemisphere
data_dict[col_name] = ice_vol.where(ds.TLAT >=0).sum(dim=['nj','ni']).to_series() * 1.e-9 # m^3 -> Km^2
else: # southern hemisphere
data_dict[col_name] = ice_vol.where(ds.TLAT <0).sum(dim=['nj','ni']).to_series() * 1.e-9 # m^3 -> Km^2
return pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
df_ice_vol_nh = get_ice_volume(nh=True)
df_ice_vol_sh = get_ice_volume(nh=False)
p1 = df_ice_vol_nh.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='Global ice volume - northern hemisphere', ylabel='Km^3')
p2 = df_ice_vol_sh.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='Global ice volume - southern hemisphere', ylabel='Km^3')
(p1 + p2).cols(2).opts(shared_axes=False)