Created by Ivan Lima on Thu Aug 25 2022 09:39:37 -0400
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
import os, datetime, my_bokeh_themes, warnings
import hvplot.pandas
import hvplot.xarray
from cartopy import crs as ccrs
from cartopy import feature as cfeature
from cesm_utils import spd
print('Last updated on {}'.format(
Last updated on Fri Sep 2 10:42:00 2022
from bokeh.plotting import show
datadir = '/home/ivan/Data/Postproc/1DPOP_CESM2'
def fixtime(ds_in):
ds_out = ds_in.assign(time = ds_in.time.values - 1)
ds_out['time'] = ds_out.time.assign_attrs(**ds_in.time.attrs)
return xr.decode_cf(ds_out)
def get_weights(ds, vname):
"""Get weights & dimensions to compute weighted means"""
if 'z_t' in ds[vname].dims:
weights = ds.TAREA *
dims = ['nlat','nlon','z_t']
weights = ds.TAREA
dims = ['nlat','nlon']
weights = weights.where(ds[vname].isel(time=0).notnull())
return weights, dims
def global_mean(ds, vname, upper200m=False, surf=False):
if upper200m:
ds = ds.isel(z_t=slice(0,20)) # upper 200 m
elif surf:
ds = ds.isel(z_t=0) # surface
weights, dims = get_weights(ds, vname)
da = ds[vname].weighted(weights.fillna(0)).mean(dim=dims)
da.attrs = ds[vname].attrs
da.time.attrs = ds.time.attrs
return da
ds_picontrol = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_picontrol = fixtime(ds_picontrol)
df_picontrol = ds_picontrol[['SHF','TEMP']].groupby(ds_picontrol.time.dt.month).mean().to_dataframe()
ds_sst_picontrol = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''),
decode_times=False, chunks={'time':12})
ds_sst_picontrol = fixtime(ds_sst_picontrol)
da_sst = global_mean(ds_sst_picontrol, 'TEMP', surf=True)
units = dict(SHF = ds_picontrol.SHF.units, TEMP = ds_picontrol.TEMP.units, SST = ds_sst_picontrol.TEMP.units)
df_picontrol['SST'] = da_sst.groupby(da_sst.time.dt.month).mean().to_series()
df_picontrol[['SHF', 'SST', 'TEMP']]
SHF | SST | TEMP | |
month | |||
1 | 9.908335 | 18.470272 | 4.224045 |
2 | 11.123707 | 18.568558 | 4.225834 |
3 | 8.283001 | 18.553994 | 4.227527 |
4 | 0.567431 | 18.469868 | 4.228333 |
5 | -10.351532 | 18.399188 | 4.227492 |
6 | -21.351665 | 18.354504 | 4.224697 |
7 | -21.680179 | 18.302807 | 4.220732 |
8 | -10.186318 | 18.270044 | 4.217817 |
9 | 1.832370 | 18.202444 | 4.217120 |
10 | 10.142300 | 18.131908 | 4.218244 |
11 | 12.324347 | 18.154001 | 4.220344 |
12 | 10.543674 | 18.287396 | 4.222405 |
# plist = df_picontrol[['SHF','SST']].hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, subplots=True).opts(shared_axes=False)
# for p in plist.items():
# p[1].opts(ylabel=units[p[0]])
# plist
ds_rest = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_rest = fixtime(ds_rest)
ds_rest = ds_rest.drop('z_t')
df_rest = ds_rest[['SHF', 'SST', 'TEMP']].groupby(ds_rest.time.dt.month).mean().to_dataframe()
SHF | SST | TEMP | |
month | |||
1 | 3.899234 | 18.468780 | 4.223508 |
2 | 4.034639 | 18.561812 | 4.225195 |
3 | 1.805531 | 18.525048 | 4.226832 |
4 | -5.765069 | 18.410479 | 4.227540 |
5 | -16.902548 | 18.326183 | 4.226625 |
6 | -28.366549 | 18.279786 | 4.223813 |
7 | -29.181880 | 18.241320 | 4.220029 |
8 | -18.655397 | 18.217971 | 4.217273 |
9 | -7.310988 | 18.128286 | 4.216533 |
10 | 1.976833 | 18.048827 | 4.217599 |
11 | 5.836022 | 18.095667 | 4.219670 |
12 | 4.915738 | 18.273954 | 4.221781 |
# plist = df_rest.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, subplots=True).opts(shared_axes=False)
# for p in plist.items():
# p[1].opts(ylabel=units[p[0]])
# plist
ds_rest2 = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_rest2 = fixtime(ds_rest2)
ds_rest2 = ds_rest2.drop('z_t')
df_rest2 = ds_rest2[['SHF', 'SST', 'TEMP']].groupby(ds_rest2.time.dt.month).mean().to_dataframe()
SHF | SST | TEMP | |
month | |||
1 | 3.529463 | 18.441522 | 4.222950 |
2 | 2.584329 | 18.536024 | 4.224578 |
3 | 1.346435 | 18.487939 | 4.226164 |
4 | -6.096360 | 18.364811 | 4.226965 |
5 | -17.146361 | 18.271832 | 4.226070 |
6 | -29.101312 | 18.214796 | 4.223156 |
7 | -29.762764 | 18.172787 | 4.219276 |
8 | -19.760546 | 18.145294 | 4.216412 |
9 | -7.900819 | 18.049781 | 4.215638 |
10 | 1.814320 | 17.965044 | 4.216770 |
11 | 6.832998 | 18.032124 | 4.219086 |
12 | 4.137487 | 18.227906 | 4.221193 |
ds_1161_shf = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_1161_shf = fixtime(ds_1161_shf)
da_1161_shf = global_mean(ds_1161_shf, 'SHF')
da_1161_shf['time'] = range(1,13)
da_1161_shf = da_1161_shf.rename({'time':'month'})
ds_1161_temp = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_1161_temp = fixtime(ds_1161_temp)
da_1161_sst = global_mean(ds_1161_temp, 'TEMP', surf=True)
da_1161_temp = global_mean(ds_1161_temp, 'TEMP')
da_1161_sst['time'] = range(1,13)
da_1161_sst = da_1161_sst.rename({'time':'month'})
da_1161_temp['time'] = range(1,13)
da_1161_temp = da_1161_temp.rename({'time':'month'})
df_1161 = pd.DataFrame({'SHF': da_1161_shf.to_series(),
'SST': da_1161_sst.to_series(),
'TEMP': da_1161_temp.to_series()})
SHF | SST | TEMP | |
month | |||
1 | 10.912917 | 18.499498 | 4.222409 |
2 | 9.633392 | 18.571053 | 4.224317 |
3 | 10.012563 | 18.560223 | 4.226013 |
4 | 0.360650 | 18.469493 | 4.226733 |
5 | -11.141526 | 18.404369 | 4.225935 |
6 | -20.389392 | 18.393965 | 4.223153 |
7 | -19.051755 | 18.352014 | 4.219430 |
8 | -13.911678 | 18.300126 | 4.216522 |
9 | 3.127374 | 18.220129 | 4.215540 |
10 | 9.083420 | 18.150645 | 4.216613 |
11 | 11.101028 | 18.177402 | 4.218770 |
12 | 12.858325 | 18.295630 | 4.220761 |
shf_dict = {'PI control': df_picontrol.SHF, '1dpop.010': df_rest.SHF, '1dpop.015': df_rest2.SHF, 'yr_1161': df_1161.SHF}
sst_dict = {'PI control': df_picontrol.SST, '1dpop.010': df_rest.SST, '1dpop.015': df_rest2.SST, 'yr_1161': df_1161.SST}
temp_dict = {'PI control': df_picontrol.TEMP, '1dpop.010': df_rest.TEMP, '1dpop.015': df_rest2.TEMP, 'yr_1161': df_1161.TEMP}
df_shf = pd.DataFrame(shf_dict)
df_sst = pd.DataFrame(sst_dict)
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(temp_dict)
p_shf = df_shf.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='SHF', ylabel=units['SHF'])
p_sst = df_sst.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='SST', ylabel=units['SST'])
p_temp = df_temp.hvplot(aspect=1.1, frame_height=350, grid=True, title='TEMP', ylabel=units['TEMP'])
show(hv.render((p_shf + p_sst + p_temp).opts(shared_axes=False).cols(2)))
ds_pi_shf = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_pi_shf = fixtime(ds_pi_shf)
pi_shf = ds_pi_shf.SHF.squeeze(drop=True)
ds_010_shf = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_010_shf = fixtime(ds_010_shf)
da_010_shf = ds_010_shf.SHF.mean(dim='time')
shf_diff = pi_shf - da_010_shf
proj = ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=210)
vmax = np.abs([pi_shf.min().item(), pi_shf.max().item()]).max() * 0.8
p1 = pi_shf.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='bwr', clim=(-vmax, vmax),rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=pi_shf.units, title='SHF PI control temporal mean')
vmax = np.abs([da_010_shf.min().item(), da_010_shf.max().item()]).max() * 0.8
p2 = da_010_shf.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='bwr', clim=(-vmax, vmax),rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=ds_010_shf.SHF.units, title='SHF 1dpop.010 temporal mean')
vmax = np.abs([shf_diff.min().item(), shf_diff.max().item()]).max() * 0.8
p3 = shf_diff.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='bwr', clim=(-vmax, vmax),rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=pi_shf.units, title='SHF PI control - 1dpop.010')
(p1 + p2 + p3).cols(2)
WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility. WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility. WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility.
ds_pi_sst = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_pi_sst = fixtime(ds_pi_sst)
pi_sst = ds_pi_sst.TEMP.squeeze(drop=True)
ds_010_sst = xr.open_dataset(os.path.join(datadir, ''), decode_times=False)
ds_010_sst = fixtime(ds_010_sst)
da_010_sst = ds_010_sst.TEMP.isel(z_t=0).mean(dim='time')
sst_diff = pi_sst - da_010_sst
vmin, vmax = pi_sst.min().item(), pi_sst.max().item()
p1 = pi_sst.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='kbc', clim=(vmin, vmax), rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=pi_sst.units, title='SST PI control temporal mean')
vmin, vmax = da_010_sst.min().item(), da_010_sst.max().item()
p2 = da_010_sst.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='kbc', clim=(vmin, vmax), rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=ds_010_sst.TEMP.units, title='SST 1dpop.010 temporal mean')
vmax = np.abs([sst_diff.min().item(), sst_diff.max().item()]).max()
p3 = sst_diff.hvplot.quadmesh(x='TLONG', y='TLAT', geo=True, coastline=True, projection=proj, project=True,
cmap='bwr', clim=(-vmax, vmax), rasterize=True, global_extent=True,
clabel=pi_sst.units, title='SST PI control - 1dpop.010')
(p1 + p2 + p3).cols(2)
WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility. WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility. WARNING:param.main: Calling the .opts method with options broken down by options group (i.e. separate plot, style and norm groups) is deprecated. Use the .options method converting to the simplified format instead or use hv.opts.apply_groups for backward compatibility.