Data from TOP6
Last surface buoy status
Time (UTC) |
2024-09-14 22:00:47 |
Latitude |
75.73638 |
Longitude |
-150.41344 |
temperature (deg C) |
0.6250 |
battery voltage |
10.217 |
Last profile statistics
Last profile number |
6821 |
Profile Time (UTC) |
2024-08-31 18:00:23 |
mean motor current (mA) |
-999.000 |
mean battery voltage |
8.300 |
minimum pressure (dbar) |
193.870 |
maximum pressure (dbar) |
201.970 |
minimum temperature (C) |
-1.601 |
maximum temperature (C) |
-1.394 |
minimum salinity (PSU) |
33.100 |
maximum salinity (PSU) |
33.378 |
minimum oxygen (μmol/kg) |
N/A |
maximum oxygen (μmol/kg) |
N/A |
click to enlarge
TOP6 was deployed on a 1.10 m ice floe in the Beaufort Sea on September 24, 2022 at 79° 49.1 N, 139° 58.1 W as part of the Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS) during the JOIS 2022 cruise on the CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent. On the same icefloe, an Ice Tethered Profiler (ITP137) and a US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Seasonal Ice Mass Balance Buoy 3 were also installed.
Temperature Contour Plot |
Salinity Contour Plot |
Profile History Plot |