A string of instruments designed to be left unattended for
long periods of time, moorings give scientists the ability to look at
the evolution and variability of water properties and currents.
Beaufort Shelf Edge Mooring Array (WHOI)
The WHOI array is a tightly spaced line of 8 moorings situated
across the Beaufort continental slope.
Chukchi Outflow Mooring Array (UW/UAF)
Four subsurface moorings in the Chukchi Sea are being shared equally between
the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and the University of Washington, Polar Science Center.
Arctic winch
This instrument is new for 2003. It will measure the water column
between the top of the mooring and the underside of the ice
at mooring site BS3.
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The CTD, which stands for conductivity, temperature, depth, is
an instrument lowered over the side of the ship from a cable. It
measures the temperature, salt content, and hence the
density of the water column from the surface to the sea-floor. More  |
The XCTD is an expendable CTD probe for use in inclement weather or
for doing rapid surveys. More  |
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
The ADCP measures currents by
reflecting sound energy off of small particles in the water. More  |
Acoustic Recording Package (ARP)
The ARP is a bottom-moored instrument which
records the sounds of passing marine mammals. More  |
Video Plankton Recorder (VPR)
The VPR is essentially an underwater microscope. It is used to identify tiny plankton and zooplankton in the water column. More