Science -
CTD surgeon
I know when Jim Schmitt snarled "get that camera out of my face" what he really meant was "take my picture!" After all, he had confessed to me earlier that he greatly enjoyed my dispatches from 2002, when we were both on the Polar Star together. Having photographed grizzlies, polar bears, and other dangerous beasts, I knew that keeping out of reach was essential, so I used the long end of my wide-angle zoom for this shot of Jim working on some CTD electronics. As another aside, this is my wife's favorite shot - as she explained to me "Finally, a photo of a REAL scientist!" I was especially happy to get this shot since I found out that Jim is retiring this year from a long, successful oceanographic career.
Technical information:
Camera: Nikon D100
Lens: Nikon 17-35mm f/2.8
Film: Compactflash
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