Investigators |
Pickart Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Bob Pickart is studying the processes by which water is transferred
from the Beaufort shelf to the deep Arctic basin, using a densely-spaced
mooring array situated across the shelfbreak and upper slope.
His experiment is also part of the Shelf-Basin Interactions
Program, and is closely tied to the Weingartner/Aagaard/Woodgate
study, since much of the water exiting the Chukchi shelf enters
the Beaufort shelf. In addition to the moorings, Pickart will
do a high-resolution survey of the Beaufort boundary current
system, using CTDs and XCTDs. Bob is the Chief Scientist on
this cruise.
Weingartner University of
Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska
Tom Weingartner and his colleagues at the University of Washington,
Knut Aagaard and Rebecca Woodgate, are studying the circulation
and water mass modification processes on the Chukchi shelf and
slope as part of the Shelf-Basin Interactions Program. This
will be done using a network of four moorings at critical locations
on the Chukchi shelf, and additional CTD stations.
Dean Stockwell
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska
Stockwell will be analyzing chlorophyll during the cruise. He
will measure the chlorophyll concentrations in the Nikin bottle
samples in near-real time. Stockwell will also be analyzing
the fluorometer data (which provides a measurement of chlorophyll)
from the CTD.
Münchow University of Delaware,
Newark, Delware
Andreas will facilitate near real-time processing and interpretation
of the vessel-mounted ADCP data aboard the Healy (in conjunction
with CTD work).
Dave Kadko
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science, Miami, Florida
Dave is a marine geochemist; he utilizes naturally occuring
radioisotopes to trace oceanographic processes. For this work
he will be measuring radium isotopes in seawater to trace upper
ocean currents, shelf-basin interaction, and eddy formation.
Team Members |
John Kemp
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts
John is the mooring technician responsible for redeploying the
high-resolution Beaufort slope array. He designed the different
moorings, and will oversee deck operations during their recovery.
John has participated in over 150 oceanographic cruises totaling
nearly 2000 days at sea.
Jim Ryder
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts
Jim is a mooring technician. He will be assisting John Kemp
in recovering the high-resolution Beaufort slope array.
Dan Torres
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts
Dan will be collecting lowered ADCP data at each CTD station,
which will provide a synoptic view of the velocity field during
the cruise. Additionally, he is responsible for the programming
and operation of the moored ADCPs being used in the high-resolution
Beaufort slope array.
Sarah Zimmermann
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British
Columbia, Canada
Sarah will be in charge of processing the CTD data collected
on the cruise. This includes de-spiking and averaging the data,
and then calibrating them using water sample measurements.
Linder Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Chris will document the daily discoveries and shipboard lives
of the scientists and crew via the Arctic Edge website. He will
write the text dispatches, take photographs, and update the
website daily. In the dispatches this year he will also answer
questions from junior high school students. In addition, he
will help with programming tasks as needed.
Jessie Cherry
Lamont-Doherty Earth Obervatory, Columbia
University, New York
Jessie is a graduate student at Columbia University, studying
Arctic climate and hydrology, with an emphasis on the Arctic
freshwater budget. She will serve as a CTD watchstander on this
cruise. She will be responsible for deploying and recovering
the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin bottles.
Anna Nikolopoulos
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods
Hole, Massachusetts
Anna is CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Maureen Taylor
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Maureen is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
bottles. She will also be capturing images of microscopic marine
life using the Video Plankton Recorder.
Ryan Frazier
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ryan is a CTD watchstander. He will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
of Cadiz, Spain Team Members |
Mifaya del Toro
Peters University of Cadiz, Spain
Mifaya is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Andrea Piehl
University of Cadiz, Spain
Andrea is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Celia Martin
Puertas University of Cadiz, Spain
Celia is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
David Roque Atienza
University of Cadiz, Spain
David is a CTD watchstander. He will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
of Alaska, Fairbanks Team Members |
Seth Danielson
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska
Seth is a CTD watchstander. He will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Ellen Naughter
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska
Ellen is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Julia Linke
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska
Julia is a CTD watchstander. She will be responsible for deploying
and recovering the CTD and taking water samples from the Niskin
Institution of Oceanography Team Members |
Dan Schuller
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San
Diego, California
Dan will be analyzing dissolved oxygen during the cruise. The
CTD package contains two-dozen Niskin Bottles which will collect
water at different depth levels in the water column; Dan will
measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in these samples
in near-real time.
Jim Schmitt
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San
Diego, California
Jim will be running the ships salinometer. This is an
instrument used to measure the salinity (salt content) of the
water samples collected by the CTD package. This information
is needed to calibrate the CTD salinity sensor. Jim is also
an electronics technician who will trouble-shoot and help repair
any problems arising with the CTD.
Erik Quiroz
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg,
Erik will be analyzing nutrients during the cruise. The CTD
package contains two-dozen Niskin Bottles which will collect
water at different depth levels in the water column; Erik will
measure the nutrient concentrations in these samples in near-real
School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami Team Members |
Leopoldo Llinas
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science, Miami, Florida
Leopoldo is studying the distribution and abundance of copepods and other pelagic zooplankton on the Western Arctic Ocean. Using a MultiNet to collect samples, he is looking at the advection of large-bodied copepods from the Bering Sea and Canada Basin onto the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves.
Aaron Silverman
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
Aaron will be helping Dave Kadko measure radium isotopes in seawater to trace upper
ocean currents, shelf-basin interaction, and eddy formation.
Jeremy Mathis
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science, Miami, Florida
Jeremy is a graduate student working on a Ph.D. in chemical
oceanography at the University of Miami. He has been a part
of the Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Program
for the past two years working for his advisor, Dr. Dennis Hansell
studying dissolved organic carbon (DOC). One of the goals of
the SBI program is to gain a greater understanding of the distribution
and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the western
Arctic Ocean; particularly in its variability and transport
over the Chukchi Sea shelf, adjacent slope, and basin.
Earth Observatory of Columbia University Team Members |
Schmidt Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory, Palisades, New York
Val, a former Naval submarine officer, is our onboard science
systems engineer, assisting both the Coast Guard and the science
crew to ensure everything runs smoothly and the data quality
is high.
Ethan Gold
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades,
New York
Ethan will be working with Val supporting the Coast Guard and
science crew's computing needs.
of Washington Team Member |
Johnson University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington
Jim is responsible for overseeing the recovery and redeployment
of part of the Chukchi moored array. This includes retrieving
the data from the instruments and coordinating deck operations.
Writer |
Deborah Foster Middletown, Connecticut
Deborah is collaborating on a history of the Overland Relief
Expedition with LCDR Sean Carroll of the Coast Guard Academy.
The story is intertwined with the history of the Revenue Cutter
Bear for whose captain the Healy was named.